The Docker project revolutionizes thinking about software delivery making it easy to build and share images that include your content. We at JBoss love the idea behind Docker and ship images for our projects. Just for you.
We publish our images under the official jboss organization. Every image is built from Dockerfiles available in our GitHub repository. To keep them up to date we have automated builds that track the source and rebuild images (only) if necessary. Additionally, images are linked to each other: If an image we’re base on is modified, we rebuild our image to provide you the fresh image that you deserve.
You can find the following docker files on github with more being added:
- aerogear
- immutant
- keycloak
- liveoak
- modeshape
- nodyn
- switchyard
- torquebox
- wildfly
We have add a couple of Product Docker Files as well:
- Fuse Service Works
- Data Virtualization
Find the JBoss Docker Microsite at http://www.jboss.org/docker/
Find the JBoss Docker Organization at https://github.com/jboss-dockerfiles/dockerfiles
You can send an email with questions or comments to [email protected].