In the Integration Series 1 Overview, Luis Cortes (@licortes_redhat) described the integration series and the 4 use cases that we will be showing. As you can see in the diagram to the right the integration series shows how to use Fuse as the integration platform to bridge Salesforce-SAP-Feedhenry.
It is a common scenario in enterprise customers that records of potential customers (aka prospects) are not a part of the customer database used by other applications (such as ERPs) until they become customers.
The third Use Case that we will explore is a when a update customer status in SAP (Delayed payments) then the associated opportunity in SFDC for this customer reflects the new customer status.
The following is the flow of the Use Case:
- Show web browser with SAP customers screen, we see data for “Acme consulting”.
- Show web browser with SalesForce page with info on the opportunity “Acme Consulting”, field "Good standing?" is YES
- Customer is late on his payments, so in SAP we are manually changing “Good standing?” from CURRENT to DELAYED. In the real world this could occur automatically based on input from the accounting systems in SAP.
- Upon submit, SAP shows the change.
- Show web browser with SalesForce page with info on the opportunity “Acme Consulting”.
- Upon refresh, the field “Good standing?” is now ON HOLD,
In order to use the test code to run the use case you must have completed the simple demos with the components in order to have the accounts and server side setup correctly. The Salesforce Component and SAP JCo Components will be used with Use Case 3.
Running the Use Case Code
Step 1 - Download the Project from JBoss Demo Central - https://github.com/jbossdemocentral/fh-fuse-sap-sf-integration-demo
Step 2 - Import into JBDS
Step 3 - Right click on the Camel Context in the uc3 Project and run as Camel Context without tests
Step 4 - Follow the steps from the use case above
Step 2 - Import into JBDS
Step 3 - Right click on the Camel Context in the uc3 Project and run as Camel Context without tests
Step 4 - Follow the steps from the use case above
Series References
Integration Series 1 - Overview from Luis Cortes
Integration Series 1 Use Case 1 - SalesForce to SAP
Integration Series 1 Use Case 2 - Mobile to SalesForce to SAP
Integration Series 1 Use Case 3 - SAP to SalersForce
Integration Series 1 Use Case 4 - SAP to Mobile to SalesForce