Showing posts with label teiid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teiid. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Data as a Service: JBoss Data Virtualization and Hadoop powering your Big Data solutions

Guest blog by Syed Rasheed, Senior Product Marketing Manager
Twitter @Junooni, eMail [email protected]

Red Hat and Cloudera, announce the formation of a strategic alliance. From JBoss perspective, the key objective of the alliance is to leverage big data enterprise-wide and not let Hadoop become another data silo. Cloudera combined with Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization integrates Hadoop with existing information sources including data warehouses, SQL and NoSQL databases, enterprise and cloud applications, and flat and XML files. The solution creates business-friendly, reusable and virtual data models with unified views by combining and transforming data from multiple sources including Hadoop. This creates integrated data available on-demand for external applications through standard SQL and web services interfaces.
The reality at vast majority of organization is that data is spread across too many applications and systems. Most organizations don’t know what they’ve lost because their data is fragmented across the organization. This problem does not go away just because an organization is using big data technology like Hadoop; in fact, they get more complicated. Some organizations try to solve this problem by hard coding the access to data stores. This simple approach inefficiently breaks down silos and brings lock-in with it. Lock-in makes applications less portable, a key metric for future proofing IT. This approach also impedes organizational agility because hard coding data store access is time consuming and makes IT more complex, incurring technical debt. Successful business need to break down the data silos and make data accessible to all the applications and stakeholders (often a requirement for real time contextual services).
A much better approach to solving this problem is abstraction through data virtualization. It is a powerful tool, well suited for the loose coupling approach prescribed by the Modern Enterprise Model. Data virtualization helps applications retrieve and manipulate data without needing to know technical details about each data store. When implemented, organizational data can be easily accessed using a simple REST API or via familiar SQL interface.
Data Virtualization (or an abstracted Data as a Service) plugs into the Modern Enterprise Platform as a higher-order layer, offering the following advantages:
  • Better business decisions due to organization wide accessibility of all data
  • Higher organizational agility
  • Loosely coupled services making future proofing easier
  • Lower cost
Data virtualization is therefore a critical part of the big data solution. It facilitates and improves the use of big data in the enterprise by:
  • Abstracting big data into relational-like views
  • Integration with existing enterprise sources
  • Adding real time query capabilities to big data
  • Providing full support for standard based interfaces like REST and OData in addition JDBC and ODBC.
  • Adding security and governance to the big data infrastructure
  • Flattening data siloes through a unified data layer.
Want to learn more, download, and get started with JBoss Data Virtualization visit
Data Virtualization by Example
Interested in community version then visit

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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Red Hat and the Strata+Hadoop World Conference

This week I am at the Strata plus Hadoop World Conference in New York City which is presented by O'Reilly and Cloudera.  Red Hat has a booth and Product highlights include JBoss Data Virtualization, Red Hat Storage and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.  Take a look at some of the information being highlighted below:

The theme of the conference is Make Data Work.  The Keynotes will be streamed live during the conference on Wednesday, September 30 and Thursday, October 1.  The live stream schedule is below:

Wednesday, September 30

8:45am - 8:50am
Roger Magoulas @rogerm (O'Reilly Media), Doug Cutting @cutting(Cloudera), Alistair Croll @acroll (Solve For Interesting)
8:50am - 9:05am
Mike Olson @mikeolson (Cloudera)
9:05am - 9:15am
AnnMarie Thomas @amptMN (School of Engineering and Schulze School of Entrepreneurship, University of St. Thomas)
9:15am - 9:25am
Joseph Sirosh (Microsoft)
9:25am - 9:30am
Ron Kasabian (Intel), Michael Draugelis @mdraugelis (Penn Medicine)
9:30am - 9:35am
Tim Howes @howes28 (ClearStory Data)
9:35am - 9:40am
Jim McHugh (Cisco)
9:40am - 9:50am
Joy Johnson @joyjohnson (AudioCommon)
9:50am - 10:00am
David Boyle @beglen (BBC Worldwide)
10:00am - 10:10am
DJ Patil @dpatil (White House Office of Science and Technology Policy)
10:10am - 10:25am
Katherine Milkman @Katy_Milkman (Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania)
10:25am - 10:30am
Ben Lorica @bigdata (O'Reilly Media)
10:30am - 10:45am
Jeff Jonas @jeffjonas (IBM)

Thursday, October 1

8:45am - 8:50am
Roger Magoulas @rogerm (O'Reilly Media), Doug Cutting @cutting(Cloudera), Alistair Croll @acroll (Solve For Interesting)
8:50am - 9:00am
Doug Wolfe (CIA)
9:00am - 9:10am
Daniel Goroff @DGoroff (Alfred P. Sloan Foundation)
9:10am - 9:20am
Jack Norris @Norrisjack (MapR Technologies)
9:20am - 9:25am
Ben Werther @bwerther (Platfora)
9:25am - 9:30am
Paul Kent @hornpolish (SAS)
9:30am - 9:45am
Farrah Bostic @farrahbostic (The Difference Engine)
9:45am - 9:50am
Shivakumar Vaithyanathan (IBM)
9:50am - 10:00am
Jake Porway (DataKind)
10:00am - 10:20am
Maciej Ceglowski @pinboard (
10:20am - 10:40am
Maria Konnikova (The New Yorker | Mastermind)
10:40am - 10:45am
Roger Magoulas @rogerm (O'Reilly Media), Doug Cutting @cutting (Cloudera), Alistair Croll @acroll (Solve For Interesting)

More detail on Data Virtualization 6.2

I wanted to send a follow up posting on more detail on JBoss Data Virtualization 6.2 GA.

JDV 6.2 Features

JDV 6.2 is a short release primarily focused on supporting EAP 6.4.  Even so, there are some technology updates and other noteworthy improvements:

Support for EAP 6.4
JDV 6.2 is supported with EAP 6.4.3. Note that starting with JDV 6.2, we no longer bundle EAP with the JDV product. The user needs to get EAP from a separate download. This allows JDV customers the flexibility to use existing EAP instances (EAP v 6.4.3 and above) that they already have installed, as well as the ability to move to newer versions of EAP more easily.

JDG 6.4
JDV 6.2 extends support for JDG 6.4 by adding capabilities for the JDG 6.4 Domain-specific Language (DSL) translator utilizing Google Protocol Buffer (protobuf) serialization. This enables you to run SQL queries on data stored in JDG remote caches. With JDV 6.1 only key-based access for remote caches was supported.

Kerberos Delegation Improvements
JDV 6.1 JDBC driver was capable of negotiating a new Kerberos token, but was not capable of propagating an existing Kerberos token. Starting with JDV 6.2, the JDBC driver is capable of participating in Kerberos delegation, if the higher order application stack already negotiated a Kerberos token. This leads the way to true SSO from the client application stack to all the way to the data source, if data source also supports Kerberos delegation. The features to enable Kerberos delegation for Oracle and MS-SQL Server, Hive and Cloudera Impala data sources in addition to JDBC were also added.

Pushdown Query Improvements
Pushdown query capabilities are extended to include, LDAP, JPA and OLAP data sources. In prior versions of JDV, there was the ability to optionally push an entire query to a JDBC data source unchanged. This allows customers the flexibility to be able to use SQL that is proprietary to a data source directly to the source when necessary, without needing to translate it to SQL 92 in the JDV Engine. New for JDV 6.2, we extended this capability beyond JDBC to additional data sources.

In JDV 6.2, we take advantage of EAP security caching in Modeshape to improve performance when an external security domain, like LDAP, is used.

Java 8 MS Access Translator
In JDV 6.1, all the ODBC sources utilized ODBC-JDBC bridge provided in Java. With the removal of ODBC-JDBC Bridge in Java 8, a new translator is introduced to read from the MS Access database.

Apache HBase Resource Adapter (Technical Preview)
Apache HBase is an open source, non-relational, distributed database modeled after Google's BigTable and written in Java. It is developed as part of Apache Software Foundation's Apache Hadoop project and runs on top of HDFS (Hadoop Distributed Filesystem), providing BigTable-like capabilities for Hadoop. In JDV 6.2, we released a resource adapter for Apache HBase that will be officially certified following the JDV 6.2 release.

Tooling Improvements
JDV 6.2 is released with JBDSIS 8.0.3 and JBDS 8.1 (Eclipse Luna)

For JDV 6.2, we improved the usability of Teiid Designer in several areas including:
  • Resizing of dialogue boxes for smaller screens (particularly useful for demo environments)
  • Renaming and moving models
  • REST and SOAP import functionality
  • Guides View/Cheat Sheet actions
  • Teiid Connection Importer
  • General improvements for Mac OS

Friday, September 18, 2015

Data Virtualization 6.2 Released!

We are pleased to announce the release of Data Virtualization 6.2.  This is a minor release and the highlights are:
  • EAP 6.4 Support
  • Teiid Designer usability improvements
  • Kerberos passthrough for Cloudera, Oracle and MS SQL Server
You can download the product from or from the Customer Support Portal (CSP) at   You will also need to download EAP 6.4 and the EAP 6.4.3 roll up patch to install DV 6.2.  Also you can access the updated documentation at

To install Data Virtualization 6.2:

1. Install EAP 6.4 after downloading from
2. Install the EAP 6.4.3 roll up patch from the Customer Support Portal
3. Install DV 6.2 after downloading from the above link.

The Data Virtualization 6.2 tooling (Teiid Designer 9.0.3.Final) is available.  Note that testers have verified this Designer version with JBDS 8.1.0 (Eclipse Luna).  
  1. Download JBDS 8.1.0 :
  2. Add DV tooling via the JBoss Central panel select the Software/Updates tab, check JBoss Data Virtualization option and click the Install/Update button.
You could also install Teiid Designer 9.0.3 into an 8.0/8.1 version using this update site

To help you get started we created a getting started example with CSV and XML sources in a customer context scenario. Run one of 3 options to get you started easily.
  • Run with JBDS
  • Run without JBDS
  • Run with Docker  
The Teiid Project is included in the repository so you can take a look at the views and preview data before deployment.  Take a look at and get started with Data Virtualization 6.2.  

The following table provides a list of data sources and translators that are supported by Red Hat.

Data SourceTranslatorSupported DV VersionDriver
Apache Hive 12
Apache Solr
Cloudera Hadoop
EDS 5.x
Files – delimited, fixed length
Generic Datasource-JDBC ansi
Generic Datasource-JDBC simple (postgresql84)
Google Spreadsheet
Greenplum 4.x
Hortonworks Hadoop
HSQL (for test/examples only)
IBM DB2 10
Universal Driver v4.x
IBM DB2 9.7
Universal Driver v4.x
Ingres 10
Intel Hadoop
JBoss Data Grid 6.4 (remote client - hotrod)
JBoss Data Grid 6.4 (library mode)
6.0 - post GA, 6.1+
LDAP/ActiveDirectory v3
Mainframe (CICS,IMS,VSAM)
ModeShape/JCR 3.1
MongoDB 2.2
mongodb 6.0
post GA, 6.1+ -
MS Access 2010
MS Access 2013
MS Excel 2010
MS Excel 2013
MS SQL Server 2008
sqlserver 6.0+
Microsoft SQL Server
JDBC Driver 4
MS SQL Server 2012
sqlserver 6.0+
Microsoft SQL Server
JDBC Driver 4
MySQL 5.1
MySQL 5.5
Netezza 6.0.2
Oracle 10g R2
Oracle JDBC Driver v10
Oracle 11g RAC
Oracle JDBC Driver v11
Oracle 12c
6.0 - post GA, 6.1+
Oracle JDBC Driver v12
PostgreSQL 8.4
PostgreSQL 9.2
RHEL 5.5/6 PostgreSQL config
- API 22
SAP Netweaver Gateway (OData)
Support SAP Service Registry as a Data Source
Sybase ASE 15
jConnect JDBC3.0 v7
Teradata Express 12
XML Files