Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Red Hat and the Strata+Hadoop World Conference

This week I am at the Strata plus Hadoop World Conference in New York City which is presented by O'Reilly and Cloudera.  Red Hat has a booth and Product highlights include JBoss Data Virtualization, Red Hat Storage and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.  Take a look at some of the information being highlighted below:

The theme of the conference is Make Data Work.  The Keynotes will be streamed live during the conference on Wednesday, September 30 and Thursday, October 1.  The live stream schedule is below:

Wednesday, September 30

8:45am - 8:50am
Roger Magoulas @rogerm (O'Reilly Media), Doug Cutting @cutting(Cloudera), Alistair Croll @acroll (Solve For Interesting)
8:50am - 9:05am
Mike Olson @mikeolson (Cloudera)
9:05am - 9:15am
AnnMarie Thomas @amptMN (School of Engineering and Schulze School of Entrepreneurship, University of St. Thomas)
9:15am - 9:25am
Joseph Sirosh (Microsoft)
9:25am - 9:30am
Ron Kasabian (Intel), Michael Draugelis @mdraugelis (Penn Medicine)
9:30am - 9:35am
Tim Howes @howes28 (ClearStory Data)
9:35am - 9:40am
Jim McHugh (Cisco)
9:40am - 9:50am
Joy Johnson @joyjohnson (AudioCommon)
9:50am - 10:00am
David Boyle @beglen (BBC Worldwide)
10:00am - 10:10am
DJ Patil @dpatil (White House Office of Science and Technology Policy)
10:10am - 10:25am
Katherine Milkman @Katy_Milkman (Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania)
10:25am - 10:30am
Ben Lorica @bigdata (O'Reilly Media)
10:30am - 10:45am
Jeff Jonas @jeffjonas (IBM)

Thursday, October 1

8:45am - 8:50am
Roger Magoulas @rogerm (O'Reilly Media), Doug Cutting @cutting(Cloudera), Alistair Croll @acroll (Solve For Interesting)
8:50am - 9:00am
Doug Wolfe (CIA)
9:00am - 9:10am
Daniel Goroff @DGoroff (Alfred P. Sloan Foundation)
9:10am - 9:20am
Jack Norris @Norrisjack (MapR Technologies)
9:20am - 9:25am
Ben Werther @bwerther (Platfora)
9:25am - 9:30am
Paul Kent @hornpolish (SAS)
9:30am - 9:45am
Farrah Bostic @farrahbostic (The Difference Engine)
9:45am - 9:50am
Shivakumar Vaithyanathan (IBM)
9:50am - 10:00am
Jake Porway (DataKind)
10:00am - 10:20am
Maciej Ceglowski @pinboard (Pinboard.in)
10:20am - 10:40am
Maria Konnikova (The New Yorker | Mastermind)
10:40am - 10:45am
Roger Magoulas @rogerm (O'Reilly Media), Doug Cutting @cutting (Cloudera), Alistair Croll @acroll (Solve For Interesting)