I am excited to be able to attend and be involved in Devoxx Belgium this year. I will be leading a birds of a feather talk in the Web and HTML 5 Track. This years Devoxx BE 2014 will be on November 10th - 14th in Antwerp, Belgium and takes place in the second-biggest European cinema complex, the MetroPolis. As a result, the speakers' video and slides are projected on the huge cinema screens using the available THX audio setup. It is one of the biggest Java events in the world, make sure to mark your agenda and register today!
What is a BoF?
Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions provide face-to-face exposure to those interested in the same projects and concepts. BoFs can be organized for individual projects or broader topics (best practices, open data, standards). BoF sessions are smaller and more informal than technical and business sessions. They are typically led by one or two speakers and are held in the evenings. Some BOFs may open with a short presentation followed by a question-and-answer section, while others take the form of open, "round-table" discussions about particular topics of interest to the Java technology developer community.
IoT describes the ability to transfer data over the network with messaging without human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. To transfer the data, protocols such as MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) and AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) can be used. WebSockets can be used as a standardised way to communicate asynchronously between a web page and a server. The IoT protocols can be used to transfer data over WebSockets. The Machine to Machine (M2M) messages would be handled by a messaging and integration patterns server such as ActiveMQ.
This session will provide an overview of messaging protocols like MQTT and AMQP and how these protocols can be used over WebSocket to transmit data. Design patterns and anti-patterns of different messaging protocols and architecture will be discussed in detail. The session will also show how these protocols were used in a real-life application with a Raspberry Pis cluster. Attendees will learn practical advise on how to configure Raspberry Pi and brokers for an optimized setting.
What is Devoxx?
The Devoxx family (Antwerp, Paris and London) welcomes annually 5.750 Devoxxians! An additional 1.950 children experience the Devoxx4Kids magic through chapters all over the world. During 5 days in Belgium, 3.500 Devoxxians from 40 different countries attend Devoxx Belgium including 200 speakers and another 345.000 developers enjoy the presentations online. Making Devoxx one of the biggest Java conference in the world!

Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions provide face-to-face exposure to those interested in the same projects and concepts. BoFs can be organized for individual projects or broader topics (best practices, open data, standards). BoF sessions are smaller and more informal than technical and business sessions. They are typically led by one or two speakers and are held in the evenings. Some BOFs may open with a short presentation followed by a question-and-answer section, while others take the form of open, "round-table" discussions about particular topics of interest to the Java technology developer community.
What is my session?
Practical Advise on IoT and Messaging Protocols